The Pillowman (West End)
Closed 2h 25m
The Pillowman (West End)

The Pillowman (West End) London Reviews and Tickets

(49 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Intense, Clever, Entertaining, Great acting

About the Show

Lily Allen & Steve Pemberton star in the revival of Martin McDonagh's dark comedy.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (47)

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26 Reviews | 0 Followers
Absorbing, Great Writing, Intense

See it if you enjoy clever narratives

Don't see it if you dislike dark and intense plays

23 Reviews | 0 Followers
Ambitious, Edgy, Great Staging, Great Writing, Thought-Provoking

See it if You like Martin McDonagh's movies and the subject of his stories. This is not for the light hearted ones

Don't see it if You get disturbed easily

60 Reviews | 4 Followers
Clever, Excruciating, Intense

See it if you like the story within a story concept and like innovative staging or are a fan of dystopia and clever short stories

Don't see it if you don't want to see policemen beating up a woman elicit laughs from the audience or dislike the supporting cast being better than the lead Read more

350 Reviews | 23 Followers
Banal, Confusing, Disappointing, Excruciating, Indulgent

See it if You're a fan of Lily Allen

Don't see it if Not a good production of this play, was really disappointed. It was confusing.

58 Reviews | 6 Followers
Entertaining, Intense

See it if you’re not against a little strangeness and would love to see a good thriller in a theatre

Don't see it if you get bored easily and like shorter plays. also, if you’re a big fan of an original story, cause this adaptation is quite original

60 Reviews | 4 Followers
Absorbing, Edgy, Great Acting, Intense, Quirky

See it if you are intrigued by the disturbing storyline. i saw lily allen in it and she was incredible.

Don't see it if you are easily disturbed my intense and realistic plots.

10 Reviews | 0 Followers
Exquisite, Great Acting, Intense, Riveting

See it if You like a darker, comedic play.

Don't see it if You don't like darker themes definitely look at the trigger warnings.

134 Reviews | 6 Followers
Edgy, Entertaining, Great Acting, Intelligent

See it if You like dark plays

Don't see it if You may be triggered

Critic Reviews (14)

June 22nd, 2023

"The complexity of the play could result in disaster, but Dunster’s impeccable directing means the audience can’t help but remain gripped throughout."
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The London Evening Standard
June 22nd, 2023

"Allen... is compulsively watchable: drawn, intense, angular. But this show requires a juggling of emotional states she can’t quite muster... [regardless] McDonagh’s play remains brightly hilarious even at its darkest moments."
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The Guardian (UK)
June 22nd, 2023

“There is a potentially explosive brilliance in this play, but its many ideas do not make a coherent whole here.”
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The Times (UK)
June 22nd, 2023

“For all its rhetorical flourishes, ‘The Pillowman’ is a shallow exercise in Grand Guignol, laced with spurious meditations on the nature of art and creativity.”
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June 22nd, 2023

“Martin McDonagh’s ‘The Pillowman’ is dark as ink, a fascinating defence of the power of the imagination and the freedom of the writer that shocks and unsettles with virtually every word...I’d never seen ‘The Pillowman’ before but had been assured by admirers of its quality. On this showing, it emerges as a clever, resilient piece of writing but less profound than perhaps it hopes to be.”
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London Theatre
June 22nd, 2023

“Sharply funny, gasp-inducing and richly thought-provoking, this is a bold, uncompromising drama that startlingly interrogates its own artistic medium.”
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The Stage (UK)
June 22nd, 2023

“It is gut-twistingly arresting and morbidly funny – McDonagh’s hallmark queasy combination – but it also feels naggingly glib.”
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Theatre Weekly (UK)
June 21st, 2023

Matthew Dunster’s production of The Pillowman, is a masterpiece of dark comedy. It may not always be an easy watch but it serves up a delicious take on what it means to be a writer, and to believe in your own abilities above all else
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