“In this production from Crossroads Pantomimes, producer, director and writer Michael Harrison throws out much of the plot and lavishes the story with glittering set pieces, breathtaking dance routines and an array of glorious costumes...As an entertainment, it is outstanding, with a camp aesthetic to rival anything in the West End since”
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“The production even answers the charge that there’s too little here for youngsters by inviting kids from the audience up on stage for a joyfully silly game, sweetly managed by Zerdin. A high-flying hit.”
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"Call them overblown, call them an orgy of in-jokes, call them so innuendo-laden that they are barely family friendly any more, but Michael Harrison’s mega-budget shows know exactly what they are about."
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“I’m not sure if there’s another production that makes this writer split his sides as much as the Palladium panto...Absolutely fabulous and absolutely Pantastic!”
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"A riotous mix of camp, slapstick, smut and occasional acting. And, as always, glorious fun."
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