Four Quartets
Closed 1h 15m
Four Quartets

Four Quartets London Reviews and Tickets

(2 Ratings)
Members say
Ambitious, Slow, Clever, Great recitation, Confusing

About the Show

Ralph Fiennes stars & directs in this new play reciting T. S. Eliot's philosophical poems.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (2)

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83 Reviews | 8 Followers
Ambitious, Clever, Enchanting, Great Recitation, Moving

See it if you want to experience something wonderful, profound, moving, reflective, emotional & tender; enjoy an acted out poem & spotting the quotes!

Don't see it if you can't cope with T S Eliot going Shakespearean - nor prepared to go with his jumps of reflective thinking (it's life & death profundity)

21 Reviews | 0 Followers
Ambitious, Banal, Confusing, Great Acting, Slow

See it if You are a ralph fiennes fan and enjoy long monologues

Don't see it if you do not like long monologues Read more

Critic Reviews (5)

The London Evening Standard
November 24th, 2021

His delivery is mostly urgent and incantatory, forcefully hitting the same note on each word. Even with such dense material, Fiennes casts a compelling spell.
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London Theatre
November 25th, 2021

Fiennes ... beautifully honours the spirit of the text, which poses questions rather than forcing answers. This isn’t a show where you can sit back and let the entertainment come to you; it’s one that leaves room for you to find your own reading.
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The Telegraph (UK)
November 24th, 2021

For all its admirable ambition, the evening has a whiff of confected grandeur. There were many, many moments where I didn’t understand a word. But ... this is a bracing, strangely refreshing evening.
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The Arts Desk
November 26th, 2021

Words flow like water in TS Eliot’s Four Quartets, shimmering with allusion, swirling and eddying with the ideas and fractured philosophies of a poet at the height of his powers.
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Time Out London
November 25th, 2021

It’s ... bewildering ... in its intensity, even if it’s near-impossible ... to give Eliot’s words the same forensic attention in the theatre as they demand on the page. This is weighty, powerful stuff, fuelled by Eliot’s deep thought and Fiennes’s committed, courageous performance.
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