Dirty Dancing - The Classic Story On Stage (West End)
Closed 2h 25m
Dirty Dancing - The Classic Story On Stage (West End)
(225 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Delightful, Enchanting, Absorbing, Romantic

About the Show

The musical adaptation of the classic 80s film returns to the West End.

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Critic Reviews (6)

London Theatre
January 26th, 2023

"With its infectious mix of chart-topping tracks, explosive dance routines, and that lift, 'Dirty Dancing' at the Dominion Theatre is a joyous musical tonic. You’ll wish you could book a one-way trip to Kellerman’s."
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Everything Theatre (UK)
January 28th, 2023

"This show is importantly a stage adaptation, not a musical nor a play. It has taken a classic and well loved movie and transformed it into a fun, dance filled production with a fantastic cast."
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All That Dazzles (UK)
January 26th, 2023

"It doesn’t make for a perfect piece of theatre, but I’d hardly begrudge those audience members that moment of joy."
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Shy Strange Manic
February 14th, 2022
For a previous production

Dirty Dancing is a reproduction of the fan favourite film, so a stage version was sure to be a hit. However, what does this stage adaptation add to this well-known film? The answer is sadly, not much.
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February 9th, 2022
For a previous production

The show is more concerned with the flashy show-stopping scenes such as the joyful ending, when a talented dance ensemble and (somewhat undermaximised) band fill the stage alongside the key performers. Fun and straightforward – in those moments, Dirty Dancing seldom puts a foot wrong.
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London Theatre
February 9th, 2022
For a previous production

But none of these quibbles will matter a jot to those who just want to see their favourite film played out live, complete with glittering pink signs, lovingly re-created details and the famous end lift. If that’s what you’re after, you’ll definitely have the time of your life.
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