"Genuinely, it is one of the most visually impressive shows I’ve ever seen: ... if you just want two and a half hours of general musical theatre stuff happening, spectacularly, and vaguely in alignment with an old Disney film, then fill your boots. Disney effectively owns this story now, at least as far as musicals go, and while there are many depressing things about that, it unquestionably looks like a dream."
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"...it is difficult to envision many theatregoers not enjoying this show, though it may have a small handful of dramaturgical drawbacks, it delivers on so many fronts with powerhouse performances, dazzling magical effects and awe inspiring company numbers."
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"Understandably, this production softens the testosterone-marinated arrogance of spurned suitor Gaston … And Beast is less terrifying monster, more grumpy pussycat … All in all, it’s an extravagant, memorable update on a tale that’s as old as time, but as exhilarating as ever."
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"Spectacle wins out over storytelling in this extravagant, exuberantly played revival ... “The most enchanted musical of all time,” it calls itself. That’s pushing it. Yet although it’s too tame to stir the soul, it’s too well tooled to lose your attention."
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As you would expect with Disney, Beauty and the Beast brings us magic and wonderment at every turn. The staging is sensational, with large and complex set pieces floating and spinning in and out of view
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"Ultimately Beauty and the Beast hits all the marks you want from a heartwarming Disney show. You know what you’re signing up for, and the current updates and tweaks make Belle’s trailblazing story of sacrifice all the more relevant."
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