The Crucible (National Theatre)
Closed 2h 50m
The Crucible (National Theatre)

The Crucible (National Theatre) London Reviews and Tickets

(25 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Great acting, Great writing, Intense, Great staging

About the Show

A new staging of Arthur Miller's parable following the atrocities of the Salem witch trials.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (25)

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80 Reviews | 8 Followers
Edgy, Intense, Profound, Riveting, Thought-Provoking

See it if you want to see a revamped version of a classic with stunning use of lighting and suggestions of the supernatural

Don't see it if you prefer a traditional version of Arthur Miller's play; or you think Abigail Williams was a wrong ' un - she is portrayed sympathetically

6 Reviews | 0 Followers
Dated, Great Acting, Great Staging, Great Writing, Intense

See it if If you read the play, if you like Arthur Miller and if you like creative staging.

Don't see it if I think it would be easier to follow if you read the play before coming. See it if you like serious dramas.

11 Reviews | 0 Followers
Dated, Disappointing, Overrated, Slow

See it if You like water features.

Don't see it if Bad acting, poor accents, long storyline, felt dated and I had no sympathy for the characters. The water was unnecessary.

36 Reviews | 1 Follower
Absorbing, Great Acting, Great Staging, Intelligent, Masterful

See it if You want a dramatic, powerful and compelling play. The staging is brilliant and the performances are strong.

Don't see it if You want something new - this is the same classic. But its done really well.

33 Reviews | 0 Followers
Absorbing, Dated, Powerful, Simple

See it if you love incredible stage design (shout-out Es Devlin), powerful acting and the classics

Don't see it if You don't like religious themes or the Salem Witch Trials

58 Reviews | 7 Followers
Epic, Great Acting, Intense, Profound

See it if You want to see a classic with a fab cast.

Don't see it if You struggle to keep concentration.

347 Reviews | 22 Followers
Absorbing, Great Acting, Great Staging, Great Writing

See it if A great, well written play. Superb production

Don't see it if Slow at the start, but worth the time.

34 Reviews | 0 Followers
Confusing, Entertaining, Thought-Provoking

See it if you are captivated by witchcraft, simple staging and solid acting.

Don't see it if you want multiple set pieces and comic content.

Critic Reviews (10)

The London Evening Standard
September 29th, 2022

"Turner’s production rolls over us with the remorseless, implacable intent of a bulldozer."
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Time Out London
September 29th, 2022

"It’s a bit like one of those remastered editions of classic albums: a little crisper, a little deeper, you can hear a few new sounds, but ultimately it’s great for the reasons it’s always been great."
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The Guardian (UK)
September 29th, 2022

"In terms of the drama itself, it is difficult for a play of this calibre to go awry...Still it kicks off with wobbles and appears like a play being performed by numbers at the start."
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The Telegraph (UK)
September 29th, 2022

"The evening builds an accumulating and harrowing sense of crushing internal logic and group-think."
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The Times (UK)
September 29th, 2022

"For all its moments of poetry, this is an evening that only intermittently delivers hushed terror."
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London Theatre
September 30th, 2022

"It’s an unforgettable opening to Lyndsey Turner’s magnificent revival of 'The Crucible,' setting up the chilling horror in which humanity turns in on itself with deadly consequences."
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The Stage (UK)
September 29th, 2022

"Miller’s vivid language rings out like a burnished bell. And the play’s discordant clamour is our own."
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The Independent (UK)
September 29th, 2022

"It’s a play of sensory beauty and moral ugliness, showing that no drug is more powerful than self-righteousness, whatever side you’re on."
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