...a good cast and some lovely harmonies are not enough to save this. I felt sorry for Russell and Baker-Duly as they tried to power the entire production with their small spark of romance.'
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Sober musical take on tale of late-flowering love...With two excellent lead performances at its heart, Trevor Nunn’s production of the musical version of the bestselling love story is focused and honest.'
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...while always watchable, it often feels like the only spark in ‘Madison County’ is the one between Russell and Baker-Duly. Which is important, but it lacks magic elsewhere.'
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Everyone’s emotional investment is plain but the pay-off is nugatory...Finally there’s no bridging the yawning gap between the show’s aspirations to soulful intensity and its so-so, nondescript personality.'
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A warm, wry, richly textured performance from Jenna Russell is pretty much the only saving grace in this flaccid and grimly sentimental Broadway musical.'
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The Bridges of Madison County is a so-so sentimental novel...now...a so-so slushy musical, directed by Trevor Nunn with enough glacial slowness to stop a heat wave.'
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There’s a good deal to like in this UK premiere production, not least the ever-resourceful Russell delivering an emotionally intricate portrait...but the intimacy provided by the Menier should have been a bonus...'
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A note-perfect Jenna Russell gives a genius performance...Jason Robert Brown’s musical take on this beloved story is beautifully orchestrated and occasionally sublime.'
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