Tarantino Live
Tarantino Live
Closed 1h 40m London: Hammersmith
76% 11 reviews
(11 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Entertaining, Absorbing, Great singing, Must see

About the Show

An immersive theatrical experience based on the movies of Quentin Tarantino.

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Critic Reviews (1)

Lost in Theatreland (UK)
June 30th, 2023

Full kudos should be given to the set and costume design; set pieces such as a car built out of chains and wheeled cupboards are the most effective vehicle I’ve seen onstage and makes for a really dramatic car chase from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Nevertheless, the visual experience is not an overall satisfying one; the production’s claim to be immersive seems to mean that some audience members are seated at tables rather than in rows. In practice, this is much less immersive than, say, a Globe Theatre production. It is a shame to see so much talent struggling with such poor material throughout, but Tarantino Live simply does not provide what it promises.
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Cast and creative team