“While some of the humour feels outdated and the pacing loses steam in act two as it struggles to connect scenes that often outstay their welcome, they’re still worth sitting through for its emotionally powerful ending.”
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“It’s frenetic, and it’s hard to follow some of the politicking in the second act at points despite the production’s great efforts in clarifying movement and array of accents, but the production’s never boring for a moment. Choosing earnestness over cynicism in its bearing every time, it plays things breathlessly, and alarmingly straight.”
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“ ‘Oh What a Lovely War’ presents a strong message about the futility of war. It is an entertaining, satirical musical that’s as comically funny as it is devastating.”
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“Nobody with an interest in how theatremakers make theatre in the 21st century should miss this show. Perhaps others should accept that it has its ups and downs and enjoy the best of it. And we should all reflect on the grim casualty counts, displayed to audible gasps around me, as a contextualising backdrop for many scenes.”
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“This grim counterpoint grounds the production, ensuring that even during the lighter skits we never forget the staggering human cost of the war.”
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“...this anniversary production of ‘Oh What a Lovely War’ proves that the satire is as smart and sharp as it's ever been, even when the change in sensibilities and approaches to crafting a comedic musical become more noticeable.”
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