New York Musical Festival (NYMF 2017)
New York Musical Festival (NYMF 2017)

New York Musical Festival (NYMF 2017) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(9 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Delightful, Must see, Funny, Ambitious

About the Show

The New York Musical Festival returns for its 14th season. See our NYMF Guide to peruse individual Show Pages. 

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Show-Score Member Reviews (9)

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204 Reviews | 17 Followers
Delightful, Entertaining, Fluffy, Great Singing, Great Writing

See it if You like to see new musicals. It's an annual festival. Some of the shows are really good. Each year's selections varies. 2017 had the best .

Don't see it if You are not a musical fan.

5 Reviews | 2 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Delightful, Entertaining, Funny

See it if An old fashioned musical about an odd trio with a heart and soul, original music, wonderful performances, singing, dancing, and costumes.

Don't see it if If you are looking for an intellectual rather than an entertaining experience.

1 Review | 0 Followers
Banal, Disappointing, Excruciating, Insipid, Overrated

See it if You want to waste your time.

Don't see it if You realize that the NYMF picks crappy shows.

206 Reviews | 25 Followers
Entertaining, Funny, Intelligent, Must See

See it if you want to see a lot of interesting, funny, and or touching musicals about divers subjects.

Don't see it if you don't like new musicals.

812 Reviews | 133 Followers
Ambitious, Delightful, Entertaining, Great Singing, Great Staging

See it if you enjoy a wonderfully staged musical about Liberace called Ben, Virginia and Me. Beautiful costumes and production numbers.

Don't see it if you don't like musicals or flashy musicals. The show has great production numbers and I learned a lot about Liberace's early life. Read more

320 Reviews | 62 Followers
Absorbing, Delightful, Fluffy, Must See, Quirky

See it if "Generation Me", "Freedom Riders", "I Am, I Wil, I do", and Camp WANATACHI" were my faves. "Happily", "the body politic", and the "Liberace"

Don't see it if Musical were my least, but, overall good. Have attended since 2010 or 2011 and will continue to. "Green 42" venue is good 4 groups, not,solo

633 Reviews | 110 Followers
Ambitious, Entertaining, Great Singing, Great Writing, Refreshing

See it if you want to partake of some great musical experiences.

Don't see it if you only enjoy already famous commodities.

37 Reviews | 12 Followers
Ambitious, Great Writing, Must See, Relevant, Thought-Provoking

See it if You want to see great musicals for a very reasonable price and you appreciate seeing musicals in various stages of development.

Don't see it if You don't like musicals and/or are not open to original musicals.


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