"'The Underpants Godot' is a playful think piece with a meta-theatrical structure that heightens the questions illuminated within the fiction...This play might not be every viewer’s cup of tea: while the themes may be of interest to a general audience, its humor seems predominantly pointed towards theater practitioners. What is perhaps more widely amusing is the visual imagery...While Pflaster’s script raises compelling questions, at many times it feels a little preachy and verbose."
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"It is at once a farcical look at the theater business, an examination of the problems involved in reinterpreting an author’s work and a look at how sexuality influences the way we look at art...The acting is of a uniformly high quality. Simon, as the Beckett estate representative, has the comic timing and loopy body language of a natural comedian, and she uses it to good effect here. Walsh, as the director, is equally funny."
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