"'The Further Adventures of...' is an intriguing work of storytelling if mildly predictable and the slightest bit heavy-handed...The two actors, who each play several characters, could stand to more sharply differentiate their multiple roles...Heinlein's Day, meanwhile, feels genuine and sufficiently invested in her efforts to engage the audience, even in a slow-burn show without pronounced dramatic stakes."
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"Overall 'The Further Adventures Of…' is a creative think-piece on the tradition of using storytelling to escape our own reality. (Or, perhaps, to create a better reality?) Since the show relies heavily upon narration it does tend to ramble, especially towards the end. But it’s still a thought-provoking experience and I look forward to seeing where it goes next."
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"A timeless story of love, superheroes and a writer…Every minute is brisk and engaging…All three actors have played in this show during multiple runs, which might explain the great chemistry...Direction by Eric Chase brings forward the smart, funny and touching writing…I just couldn’t take my eyes of the stage where Burke and Finley. Both were portraying multiple people, sometimes in a hilarious campy manner and sometimes so touching and believable that it made me tear up."
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"Jamie Heinlein captured my full attention from first to last with her touching and honest portrayal of the open-hearted, impressionable Maggie, both in scene and soliloquy. An actor of rare poise and taste, she successfully evades every temptation to sentimentalize, and her subtly meticulous script analysis kept everything in its proper place, as we careened through dimensions of time and space. A major plus was her splendid articulation of the text,."
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"As fun as these scenes are to watch, what makes 'Further Adventures' such a gem are the offstage stories that the playwright spins about the make-believe actors…As Maggie, Jamie Heinlein is pure charm and her infectious nature makes you feel like you, too, would have loved 'Atlantis' had it been a real series. Mr. Burke and Mr. Finley weave in and out of their TV show characters and into the actors who play them flawlessly."
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