DAD (FringeNYC)
DAD (FringeNYC)
Closed 1h 30m NYC: East Village
96% 12 reviews
(12 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Clever, Original, Thought-provoking, Delightful

About the Show

Part of FringeNYC: DAD is a rare physical and emotional performance that investigates how music, videos, lyrics and interactive yoga poses can function as a therapeutic process - for YOU. DAD is a brutally honest self portray of a Danish actor and his dad who has cancer.

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Critic Reviews (3)

August 29th, 2016

"Bjerrum rapidly changes in and out of story-specific clothes while building suspense up to the relief revelation that his father is alive and well, his prickly personality unchanged...Whatever sympathy Bjerrum builds up over the course of his animated monologue is squandered in a lengthy rant about upcoming US elections. He'd be better off railing against Denmark's very own warmonger Anders Fogh Rasmussen."
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Theatre is Easy
August 23rd, 2016

"From the moment this charismatic and wacky bohemian steps on to the stage, he has everyone's full attention...He's that kind of performer you can't take your eyes off, one who makes you eager to join in. Yet while most of Bjerrum’s multi-art styles work well, there are some moments when his attempts come off as superfluous. A performer like Bjerrum needs no experimental gimmicks...A perfect example of fringe theater: quirky, experimental, and wholly unique."
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NY Theatre Guide
August 20th, 2016

"Bjerrum is a highly skilled theatre practitioner that performs with his inner light switched on to incandescent. His infectious enthusiasm for life is inspiring, and he has a brilliant ability to create harmony in a room in mere minutes...Throughout the piece, Malika Sia Graff provided a stunning live score to the unfolding exploration of self. She has a voice that melts your hard edges...It’s immersive, contemporary, and honest."
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