Wood Calls Out to Wood
Closed 0h 50m
Wood Calls Out to Wood
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The Tank presents this experimental adaptation of Hieronymus Bosch's 15th century triptych 'The Garden of Earthly Delights,' a painting presented as a play, a landscape turned into a soundscape.

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Critic Reviews (3)

Theatre is Easy
October 29th, 2017

"'Wood' is an ode to the earth, for it imitates our bizarre and incredible spinning world in every way: its capacity to make sense out of every impossible phenomenon, its habit of simultaneously disrupting and mending, and most importantly, its apparent imperfection...The play is at ease with its imperfection. It’s not cut out to be a single narrative, but rather a springboard for each audience member to discover their own interpretation."
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Stage Buddy
November 7th, 2017

“The script has a breathing pattern that is remarkably chill and thoughtful, easy to follow yet constantly reinventing...Donly’s language, imagery, and ideas are far more sophisticated than whatever summary I could ever approach...Hughes' sensitive production of them just hits every note right...It is so wonderful how this piece can live so peacefully yet have such charged dimensions...It is a script of wonder, so wonder with it...A production of detail, empathy, and intelligence."
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October 29th, 2017

"The often poetic dialogue and nonsensical ramblings of the characters inspired by a few figures in Bosch’s work kept one interested by its sheer dense ridiculousness...'Wood Calling Out to Wood' exists as an exercise. It is an exercise in the fun, lively, innovative, experimental, weird, often incompletely executed extrapolation of the three panels because that is what it is attempting. In the attempt it becomes the esoteric for esoteric’s sake."
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