"This satirical play is timely as we watch the historic battle of the sexes between presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton...Rebeck's writing, Mamet-esque and tack-sharp, is a pleasure to behold. This production, directed by Lorca Peress, is well done with standouts in the cast, Lesley McBurney as Eliza and Ean Sheehy as her smart but cowardly colleague, Ben."
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"Theresa Rebeck writes an explosive new play on gender parity and the glass
ceiling which does not get the production it deserves."
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"Watching the show was, for the women in the audience, a deeply frustrating experience, testament to the play’s success in portraying the sexist practices that all-too-often dominate male-centric workplaces...Though the play’s themes are explicitly portrayed, Rebeck’s nuanced writing, aided by the skill of McBurney’s performance, develops a more profound understanding of those women’s experiences...Under Lorca Peress’s direction, the performances avoid the obvious stereotyping."
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"'What We’re Up Against' shows how sexism remains entrenched to the bowels...Ms. Rebeck’s play is dark, timely, foulmouthed, juicy and seems like it is placed in the '50s not now, but the truth is we have not come along way baby...There are a few twists and turns that could be cleaner...Ms. Peress is a director to watch as she makes this show feel effortless. This is a company with actors to follow and a play that will have you in conversation for at least a couple of days."
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