"A scruffy-punkish sixty-minute shadow-puppet sing-along unclassifiable, more a hard-boozing playdate or thought experiment than a narrative...Some of 'Whales' plays like boozy, swearing children’s theater for grown-ups. In playful and engaging crowd-interaction sequences, the cast enlists audience members to playact the life of whalers...The economics of whaling stir terrific feeling from a cast of musicians, puppeteers, and presenters."
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"The whole evening feels kind of like an old variety-entertainment show...There is a lot of information that gets passed along through the performance, but the actors never let it feel like a lecture; it's really more like a party...'Whales' is also a punk-rock concert...The timing and rhythm of the music do a lot to preserve the momentum of the play and keep energy up...The storytelling is innovative, engaging, and educational."
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