In Susan Glaspell's classic one-act drama, an isolated small-town community is deeply troubled when a well-respected farmer is strangled to death in his own bed, and his timid wife is arrested for the sinister crime.
As the men search the Wrights’ farmhouse for clues, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale wait in the one room deemed to be unimportant to the investigation: the kitchen. But what the two women discover as they wait not only could solve the case: it could profoundly change the course of both of their lives. A blend of murder mystery and social commentary, 'Trifles' thoughtfully examines traditional gender roles in early 20th century American life and explores how these ideas are still hauntingly relevant today.
As part of the 'Telling Trifles' festival, each performances of 'Trifles' will be followed by a free performance or workshop of a new play inspired by 'Trifles' or the playwright Susan Glaspell. For more information, consult Hunger and Thirst's website.
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