The theatrical pop-up The Pool presents this new comic drama centering around a retired playwright who, in his vivid imagination, is married to tennis superstar Rafa Nadal.
Peter Gil, a legendary but retired playwright, has been whisked away to Mallorca to a fantasy life by his husband, Rafael Nadal. When he returns to New York to let his friends know just how successful his life has become, he finds them (actress Eva Patton and casting director John Ort, CSA) in disarray at a posh New York City restaurant. When Rafa himself comes to retrieve his love, Peter is transported back to Mallorca to do battle with the realities of Rafa’s life, family, and career. 'The Rafa Play' will be performed in rotating repertory with 'Tania in the Getaway Van' and 'Washed Up On the Potomac.'