Closed 1h 30m NYC: Soho/Tribeca
74% 18 reviews
(18 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Clever, Slow, Relevant, Entertaining

About the Show

Live Source Theatre Group applies their signature design-heavy production values to this new adaptation of the 1954 film, about an attempted presidential assassination that rocks a quiet town in northern California. 

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Critic Reviews (2)

Lighting & Sound America
October 11th, 2018

"'Suddenly,' the film, is a smart choice for this sort of exercise, because it presents a naturally tense, suspenseful situation inside a single location...Settecasi's script captures the Hollywood-pulp tone of Richard Sale's screenplay, but there's a slight disconnect between the actors and the artificial words they have been given to say...'Suddenly' isn't a total success, but it is an unusual and arresting experiment; this company is worth keeping in mind."
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October 9th, 2018

"Sale’s well-constructed screenplay sets up a familiar scenario of underworld types invading a commonplace domain...An aesthetically successful presentation with some neat stage pictures and tableaus. However, the deliberate quest for stylization leads to an exaggerated tone in the performances...There’s the sense of experiencing a stilted art project rather than being engrossed by a play...Ultimately, it’s all a mildly entertaining, inconsequential exercise."
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