"Great for anyone looking for something a little less linear and a lot more offbeat than the more common fare. Tom Block engages with some lofty themes and mind-bending questions in this comedic epic...The play pulls no punches in its overt theatricality...The cast is immensely talented...All of the aspects of director Bird’s production come together nicely...'Sub-Basement' is a play that will not only make you think, but give you something beautiful to see as you do."
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“In a great, cozy, even intimate setting at IRT Theater, the cast of Tom Block’s ‘Sub-Basement’ dazzled the audience with his superb writing and Hunter Bird’s direction. The story of ‘Adrienne,’ her career, romances and psyche as she interacted with three male characters, is performed in beautiful fashion by Veronique Ory…The men also deliver excellent performances. ‘Sub-Basement’ is another great production of Athena Theatre.”
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“It’s not just the confused protagonist Adrienne who can’t make up her mind. The play itself, after nearly three years of development, extensive reworking, and rewrites, suffers from the same plight of indecision…The show works best in its fast-paced funny opening scenes…Block’s theme becomes redundant and the style of the piece increasingly inconsistent. At present, ‘Sub-Basement’ is still in need of some revision and a clear decision as to what it wants to be.”
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"Although the play is set in the present day, it had a very post-modern, Brechtian tone...I understood Adrienne's motivation for her journey, but the play lacked the explanation as to why the two homeless characters, Gustav and Arnaud, were helping her...All four actors brought impressive commitment through some rocky plot points. Luckily, I left the theatre pondering the overarching themes rather than finding fault in plot holes."
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