Slut: The Play
Closed 1h 10m
Slut: The Play

Slut: The Play NYC Reviews and Tickets

(3 Ratings)
Members say
Thought-provoking, Intense, Clever, Funny, Entertaining

About the Show

The Arts Effect presents the journey of Joey Del Marco, a 16- year-old girl who is raped by three friends during a night out.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (3)

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5 Reviews | 2 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Edgy, Thought-Provoking

See it if You are not a prude and are hoping to experience something new and exciting. I loved the way the characters used discarded items

Don't see it if You are a prude or hypersensitive to the word slut

3 Reviews | 1 Follower
Delightful, Entertaining, Funny, Great Acting

See it if You love improvisational comedy

Don't see it if You do not enjoy British humour

119 Reviews | 21 Followers
Ambitious, Intense, Thought-Provoking

See it if You'd like to experience a piece about rape culture- along with the struggles of bringing rapists to justice.

Don't see it if You prefer a more traditional form of story-telling. You never see the characters speak to each other "directly" which is a hit or miss.

Critic Reviews (7)

Theatre is Easy
February 8th, 2016

"The dialogue is realistic and fair to all the characters—those who support her and those who turn against her. Because the show is performed by teenagers (all giving impressive performances), it not only makes it more believable, but harder to watch...It's important for young women to see this play, but I also hope that young men will see it and be part of the conversation."
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Theater In The Now
February 16th, 2016

"First and foremost, this is a piece that is meant to inform and educate. But when you get to the nitty gritty, there are some theatrical issues...With such a difficult story to share, it requires the actors to tap into a scary and vulnerable world. Using an ensemble completely comprised of young actors, asking them to dive deep into an emotional state can be demanding yet these girls were up for the challenge."
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February 1st, 2016

"This production is the epitome of what socially-focused theatre can and should be. It tackles a heavy topic with forthright honesty, multiple perspectives, and courage. Sharply directed, with simple staging that bolsters the strength of the production, 'Slut' drives home its message without being pedantic, or necessarily spelling the message out for you."
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Time Out New York
August 23rd, 2013
For a previous production

"Katie Cappiello’s powerhouse script examines the double standard that celebrates sexual activity by boys but denigrates it for girls...The girls’ realistic dialogue makes the audience feel as though it were sitting in the gym locker room, overhearing painfully intimate conversations...Compelling and heartfelt performances by the impressive all-female cast fill out this insightful look at the sensitive issues of rape and cyberbullying. To miss it would be a shame."
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New York Theatre Review
May 13th, 2014
For a previous production

"A profoundly resonant new play...'Slut' is a perfect integration of compelling theater, activism, community engagement, and multimedia...'Slut' succeeds on so many levels. It tackles a fraught cultural norm with a compelling dramatic narrative (no small feat for a documentary theater piece). Unsurprisingly, the teenage cast is excellent...Kudos to the cast, their mentors, and the creative team for creating a powerful, urgent, and far-reaching piece of theater."
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The Odyssey
May 19th, 2014
For a previous production

"I encourage readers to go out and watch this play if it is being shown again or in a town near you. Try to find it online. This is an issue that affects everyone. Even if you do not think you are directly part of it, you are. This play awakened me to the reality that we live in a world where there is not much justice, but educating the public can really make a difference."
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Usher Nonsense
September 17th, 2013
For a previous production

"This poignant, severe, thoughtful show left me in a trance of thoughtfulness, and will have an effect on me for a while…My only critique would be that I had a hard time following who was whom…The script was truthful, real and made me wonder if it hadn’t been transcribed from an actual interview. The ensemble, played by a bastion of talent, was never unbelievable, always respectful and deeply felt. I was totally impressed by these teenage women’s ability to shock and awe with their candor."
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