“Struggles to find a shape and at times it feels as though we are watching a game without knowing its rules. Yet the production has a sweet, eccentric charm…‘Ski End’ also dispenses acute observations about a society in which impermanence passes for progress…The play abruptly turns into a kind of interstellar trip punctuated by black light and confusing voice-overs...It is a collective 'we don’t know how to end this show!' cry, and a crash landing for an otherwise lovable experiment."
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"If only the beginning of ‘Ski End’ could go on forever…A handsome initial scene gives way to shapeless imitation-of-play…There are hints that the real topic here is climate change—hints that turn into sledgehammers in the show's final moments. But the bulk of the evening is just watching actors mess around…‘Ski End’ feels extremely long at 100 minutes, too indulgent of each performer and too dependent on a few moments of loveliness to make the longer ones sing."
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“The piece features a team of highly skilled and committed actors with perfect chemistry…However, none of their characters is fully developed beyond some brief spurt of personality. With many gorgeously staged moments and a brilliant design team, the play still falls into the trap of being neither fish nor fowl…The experimental elements would have been more effective as an enhancement of the content, rather than the main event. The play is weakened by too many ideas.”
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"Starts as a slow, meditative immersion into the collective fantasy of what it is to run a ski shop in a small town, played out by five 30-something city kids...They start exploring the narration possibilities, building up the play inside the play...Everything seems ephemeral in the 'Ski End.' The narration slips away the moment you think you figured out what’s going on and the space appears to have no defined borders...It seems to be using the principal of free association."
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"Dragging through some scenes and speeding through others, 'Ski End' takes time to find itself. While some production elements add new dimensions to the play...others are merely distracting...The set and overall production design succeed in evoking the perfect mixture of idiosyncrasy and despair, and, in its best moments, 'Ski End' delivers on that promise as well...For the humility to admit they do not have the answers, this ensemble of theatermakers is to be applauded."
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“A deliberately cryptic work…It's clear from very early on that this is a play with a good sense of humor about itself…The cast are a lot of fun here, particularly the core five players. The improvised feel of this show is vital to its ecosystem, and could have dissolved easily in a rehearsal process…It's funny, but it's not a conventional comedy…A decidedly peculiar piece of devised theatre that defies easy categorization, and yet asks nothing strenuous of its audience beyond an open mind.”
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"A thoughtful, imaginative work of devised theatre...The tight ensemble cast are playful and genuine in their storytelling...The play’s organization sometimes feels haphazard, though. There are many beautiful, moving, and funny scenes, but they don’t always add up to a cohesive whole...Not a show for everyone. It rambles. It’s rough around the edges...That said, there are moments of tremendous beauty and humanity that make this play well worth seeing for fans of devised work."
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