"'Sheila and Angelo' is a love story that tangos with death. A noir comedy, playwright Nick Raio will tug laughter and tears simultaneously from you...Emmy-winner Dan Grimaldi and Lynda Rodolitz are well-matched as the love-birds here, and the supporting actors are all sturdy in their roles. Directed by Michelle Kristine Best, this play looks death right in the eye and doesn't flinch an inch."
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"The show accurately captures both the humor and anguish of growing old. The script is clearly new, with a few pacing problems in the middle and an ending that seems to hit very suddenly, but Raio’s vision is clear and manages to reach even the hearts of those too young to fully empathize with what’s at stake. The performances are hilarious and touching, with special mention to Grimaldi and Rodolitz...This new play shows great promise."
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“One wonders why Mr. Raio wrote this play and why he would choose to produce it. One further wonders why it could possibly have been accepted into the FringeNYC 2016 Season. It is offensive from beginning to end and is no more than a wobbly series of hackneyed jokes strung together with the hope that a story about a dying spouse might somehow salvage the mess...The staging by Michelle Kristine Best is at best amateurish and puerile.”
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