Seeing You
Closed 1h 30m
Seeing You

Seeing You NYC Reviews and Tickets

(34 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Entertaining, Ambitious, Intense, Great staging

About the Show

From the producer of 'Sleep No More' comes a brand-new, WWII-themed immersive experience, which takes place in an old warehouse.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (34)

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269 Reviews | 116 Followers
Ambitious, Disappointing, Dizzying, Entertaining, Resonant

See it if You love interactive shows and WWII history. It was obvious how much work and heart was put into the process.

Don't see it if If you don’t like having to actively seek out the plot. I hunted actors down. I was pulled out of the story when it wasn’t clear where to go Read more

110 Reviews | 20 Followers
Entertaining, Excruciating, Intense, Thought-Provoking

See it if you loved sleep no more and if you're very comfortable with immersive/interactive theater.

Don't see it if you can only see it alone. def go with a pal as it can get awkward.

87 Reviews | 78 Followers
Ambitious, Entertaining, Epic, Great Staging, Resonant

See it if you love immersive theatre that uses an unconventional space in a truly brilliant way.

Don't see it if you are triggered by war themes.

215 Reviews | 55 Followers
Great Dancing, Great Music, Great Staging, Original, Refreshing

See it if you want to see the new project of producer of the immersive play Sleep No More.

Don't see it if you want to sit in a classic theater. Read more

24 Reviews | 30 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Entertaining, Great Acting, Refreshing

See it if you like immersive theatre and want to be taken on a journey

Don't see it if you don't want to stand for 90 mins

110 Reviews | 55 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great Singing, Relevant, Thought-Provoking

See it if You enjoy immersive theater and interacting with the actors as well as the audience. If you like shows with dance,singing,good mix of music

Don't see it if You don't like moving around the whole time in dark, strobe,fog,interactions with actors and audience, dance,war

1229 Reviews | 489 Followers
Ambitious, Edgy, Exquisite, Must See, Profound

See it if You like immersive shows. This one rocks! Easy enough to follow without being impossible to figure out yet vague enough for interpretation.

Don't see it if You have a hard time getting around or don't like being "herded" around in the dark or in flashing lights with lots of loud music/sounds. Read more

129 Reviews | 48 Followers
Ambitious, Great Staging, Intense, Relevant, Resonant

See it if You want an evening of well performed immersive dance/theatre, with a relevant message

Don't see it if You have problems moving, or are expecting the scale and scope of SNM and other immersive pieces

Critic Reviews (11)

The New York Times
June 21st, 2017

"The best of such productions work on a subliminal level, tugging at the edges of your mind through sensory means. While there were a lot of high-decibel sound effects and much garish visual spectacle, I so often felt I was being lectured to...The choreography was fitful, and often strained...The performers...were especially engaging nonverbally...As the story labored toward its climax, the show proved less than capable of supporting the very large ideas it courted."
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Time Out New York
June 22nd, 2017

"Engrossing and evocative…Designed by Desi Santiago, the show unfurls in a single, constantly evolving ground-floor space in the Meatpacking District. The skillful, well-drilled performers never stop moving, and Heffington gives them memorable showpieces…A nightmarish U.S.O. show yields to a wrenching battle scene (rendered in shadows) and, finally, an evocation of nuclear warfare that is both spectacular and sober. It’s very much worth seeing."
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Entertainment Weekly
June 21st, 2017

"This seemed an interesting question to pose in a theatrical setting, and one I expected would come back to haunt each audience member throughout the show. But, for the most part, it didn’t...Ultimately, I appreciate the courage it must take on behalf of the cast and crew to trust — and touch! — a new crowd of total strangers for every performance, but I would say 'Seeing You' isn’t all that worth seeing."
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AM New York
June 21st, 2017

"The hotblooded and sinister 'Seeing You' transforms an empty former meat market in the Meatpacking District (located right under the High Line) into an anxious small community during World War II...There are also small, emotionally charged scenes, which pop up suddenly, that highlight the racial tensions of the period as seen in an African-American male assigned to menial work in the Army and a Japanese-American female whose allegiance is questioned."
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Lighting & Sound America
June 22nd, 2017

“The evening becomes weirder and weirder…And so it goes for ninety long, long minutes. Are audiences really itching to be herded like cattle through a feel-bad entertainment about World War II?...The overbearing pretensions of ‘Seeing You’ would seem to be a poor fit for the type of person looking for an amusing interactive night out…'Seeing You' seems to be trying too hard to provide interactive kicks while also schooling the audience in rather obvious points about wartime ethics.”
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Theater Pizzazz
July 7th, 2017

"The pace is fast and furious...It’s also bloody, gory and replete with loud sirens and effects and a high-energy ensemble of unending talents...In the midst of it all, you’re taken to a cabaret/USO canteen show that is both glitzy patriotic and darkly sobering, and includes some memorable dance numbers and notable costumes...The message is a clear reminder of the horrors of war, lost lives, and survival. It’s dark in its presentation and you won’t walk out with a big smile on your face."
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New York Theater
June 28th, 2017

“A show that may not be the top of the line in the genre, but that fans of immersive theater would surely find worthwhile...There are a few vivid sets that pop up during climactic moments...Much of ‘Seeing You’ though is a mosaic over time of isolated moments, most of them expressed primarily in dance, some memorably…There may be stretches of time during ‘Seeing You’ that seem nothing more than a muddle, even for the most experienced theatergoer.”
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The Wrap
June 21st, 2017

“‘Seeing You’ leans heavily on visual sensation. There’s no real emotional depth to be found here, no historical or dramatic heft. And for a show that dwells heavily on the Bomb and literally asks the question ‘How many civilian casualties would you be willing to accept to save 1 million American lives?’ the ending is surprisingly more of a whimper than a bang...If you have to duck into a darkened fallout shelter, it seems Hoboken’s not such a bad place to be."
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