"'Princess Phooey,' a world premiere musical, portrays the royalty of imaginary kingdoms as close kin to the queen bees of real eighth grade...What makes 'Princess Phooey' so inspired is the way the writer has adapted a time-honored story to the culture the show's actors (they are 9 to 17) inhabit...it's wonderfully witty in taking this genre out of the castle tower and down to earth."
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"This smart and adorable show, about a stubborn princess who cares nothing for the trappings of her station, has charm and Broadway pizzazz in abundance. The overall polish is even more impressive because the cast is aged 9-17. Under Tada! artistic director Janine Nina Trevens' savvy direction, these kids really sell the material...At a packed Saturday matinee, those most discerning of pint-size critics watched with delight, making nary a peep - the ultimate accolade."
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"Director Janine Nina Trevens has this new show working at all levels with a great cast, flow, and visuals. The costumes capture the personalities of the characters especially well. And Sarah Martin has created a beautiful and expertly functional set with a gorgeous view of a garden set against far off mountains and a sunset fit for a fairy tale. Even an amusing anti-fairy tale like this one."
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