"‘Novenas’ Offers Prayers for a Hospital That Died: The epicenter of New York’s AIDS epidemic, St. Vincent’s (1849-2010) is the subject of a memorial service that’s also a play."
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3/5 Stars "There are lovely sequences and forgettable ones; the play's tone alternates between earnest sermonizing and scenes of joy amid the ashes."
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2.5/4 Stars "A roaming elegy for St. Vincent's Hospital"
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"Novenas for a Lost Hospital Exhumes the Legacy of Manhattan's Last Catholic Hospital: Rattlestick Playwrights Theater presents an ambitious eulogy to its departed neighbor."
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"NOVENAS FOR A LOST HOSPITAL is a Moving Tribute to a New York Institution"
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"The unwelcome surprise of 'Novenas for a Lost Hospital' is its essentially anodyne nature…How a story of blood and money; privilege and prejudice; and young men abandoned and ravaged by a plague was transformed into a museum exhibit crossed with a New Age prayer festival is something to ponder, and not necessarily with pleasure."
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"Directed by Daniella Topol, the play is both uneven and scattershot in its non-linear format and content. However, it conveys a great deal of information in an entertaining manner and has some affecting scenes of life in the hospital in two eras: the 1849 cholera epidemic and the AIDS crisis."
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"Small miracles bookend Rattlestick Theater's 'Novenas for A Lost Hospital in Greenwich Village.'"
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