Men of Tortuga
Closed 1h 30m
Men of Tortuga

Men of Tortuga NYC Reviews and Tickets

(2 Ratings)
Members say
Edgy, Clever, Quirky, Funny, Witty

About the Show

Living Room Theatre presents the New York premiere of Jason Wells' dark drama about a quartet of powerful men considering how best to eliminate a rival.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (2)

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803 Reviews | 253 Followers
Dark, Edgy, Funny, Quirky, Witty

See it if You would enjoy a dark comedy where the characters are trying to employ logic in ridiculous situations. The writer was making a point...

Don't see it if Simetiimes it was really clever and funny, other times I didn't buy it, or the convoluted argument went on a bit too long.

168 Reviews | 24 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Edgy, Great Acting, Intelligent

See it if you like kind of dark drama with bits of laughter and some confusion. It's men behaving badly (not with women)--corporate style.

Don't see it if You don't like all male drama or corporate malfeasance.

Critic Reviews (2)

Theater Pizzazz
October 13th, 2016

"Living Room Theatre’s production, confidently helmed by company cofounder Randolyn Zinn, thrills and horrifies with well-timed morbid comedy and constantly shifting power dynamics...Plot twists both absurd and organic challenge all of the men to cunningly one-up one another as the question of who is good and bad turns into one of who is best at being bad...Zinn has corralled a universally strong ensemble, keeping them on pace as Wells’ snappy dialogue wallops with macabre comedy."
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October 21st, 2016

"It is very funny in an absurdist sort of way, as the plot gets more and more convoluted and the schemers dig deeply into their psyches in order to justify what is turning into a plan for a mass killing spree...Under Randolyn Zinn’s fine-tuned direction, the five cast members do a beautiful job of balancing the twin foci of the alarming nature of the murderous plot and their increasingly farcical behavior...A most intriguing play about business intrigue"
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