Maker of Worlds (Dream Up 2019)
Closed 1h 10m
Maker of Worlds (Dream Up 2019)

Maker of Worlds (Dream Up 2019) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(5 Ratings)
Members say
Quirky, Confusing, Funny, Disappointing, Banal

About the Show

One woman plays six characters in "Maker of Worlds," a play about creativity, capitalism, and the divine in all of us. Part of Theater for the New City's Dream Up Festival.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (5)

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290 Reviews | 93 Followers
Confusing, Disappointing, Funny, Quirky, Slow

See it if You are interested in quirky shows that may leave you a bit confused at the end.

Don't see it if You like straight forward stories with an actual plot.

41 Reviews | 10 Followers
Engaging, Entertaining, Funny, Ok, Quirky

See it if You enjoy slightly weird theater that plays around with form and expectations.

Don't see it if You want something highly professional, polished, or deep. This is best seen as a fine but not amazing piece doing something weird. Read more

1421 Reviews | 373 Followers
Banal, Fluffy, Indulgent, Insipid, Quirky

See it if If you do not care about what you are watching. From on stage costume changes to the photography, it was banal

Don't see it if If you want a coherent good quality show.

42 Reviews | 9 Followers
Delightful, Quirky, Thought-Provoking

See it if Martha (Stewart) as a deity with the power to recreate Sodom and Gomorrah in a fruit basket and a recent urge to flood the earth--this time

Don't see it if without a heads' up about an ark--and just start over? Why not? This clever, absurdist play by Wendy A. Schmidt imagines the possibilities Read more

1219 Reviews | 345 Followers
Banal, Confusing, Disappointing, Dizzying, Quirky

See it if you want to see a solo performer present her ideas with the help of an assistant, photographs, framed sayings, on stage costume changes, etc

Don't see it if you think you will learn something - this series of disjointed performances that attempt to be about something, I could not figure out.