“This as a very Clubbed Thumb show: idiosyncratic, nonrealistic, gently experimental with a Downtown’s greatest hits compilation of a cast...Directed by Tara Ahmadinejad and running just about an hour, the length of a slightly luxurious lunch break, it’s a slim show, yes, but also charming and smart and kindly. For most of these characters, the focus on food is a coping mechanism, a welcome distraction.”
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“Einspanier’s excellent workplace comedy...There’s little room for a story, because Einspanier has crammed every second with marvelous character studies and syncopated conversations that reveal the topsy-turvy stakes of a life lived in service...The amount of dynamic indication in the text makes the script seem almost like a piece of music. The downtown stars...are so at ease with the play’s relentless pace and rhythms that at times they almost seem to be singing.”
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"'Lunch Bunch' is fully in keeping with Clubbed Thumb’s tradition of adventuresome fare, and is served well by the game eight-member cast of downtown theater regulars, and by Tara Ahmadinejad’s direction. She stages the characters sitting on their ergonomic chairs facing a back wall that has a single shelf, suggesting a row of sterile cubicles...It all feels almost musical."
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