(17 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Clever, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Entertaining

About the Show

NYC's longest running play (since 1967!), Israel Horovitz's absurdist drama is about five people waiting in line for a mysterious event. Each person battles for first place, becoming increasingly vicious.

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Critic Reviews (2)

New York Magazine / Vulture
May 15th, 2014
For a previous production

"A kind of poor man’s 'Waiting for Godot,' Horovitz’s one-act is basically an extended comedy sketch about five schlemiels conniving and conspiring to get to the front of the line despite never ascertaining what they're waiting for... The script may still have a point to make but this overextended production muddies any comic message with amateurish acting that places inadvertant emphasis on a misogynist subplot."
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May 21st, 2014
For a previous production

"If you're looking for a lesson on theatrical durability to be learned from Line, which has been at the same downtown theater for 40 years and reigns as New York City's longest-running play, that's one of the big ones. The length of the show's run speaks for itself, and it's been translated into more than 35 languages and performed around the world."
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