"Although there’s an absence of effective directing in this piece, Zenobia transforms from one character and settles like fine moss into portraying another, with exquisite finesse...Zenobia commands the space quite admirably, engaging the audience with poignant humor and social commentary on inherent racial biases...Isn’t a riveting aspect in the liturgy of theatre. However, Zenobia’s show candidly explores the ethnically ambiguous terrain."
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"The play, written by Ms. Shroff and the show's director, Arpita Mukherjee, is smart, peppered with humor and filled with depth. It’s filled with meaningful exploration and loaded with charm. See it while it’s still running."
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"Phenomenal one-woman show...Broken into lessons, many of which are things we naturally know. But watching the horror story play out in front of us is decidedly different. Through Zenobia’s eyes, we learn the business...With Zenobia playing every single one of these characters to perfection (yes, even the bratty child), the show weaves in and out of these dilemmas towards the shining light in the distance: success...This is the opposite of failure, this is a success."
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"It was absolutely remarkable, lively, and so much fun to watch...For Zenobia to be able to project her voice clearly and be able to interact with the audience gave an inviting feel all throughout the piece...What makes this piece so powerful is that it is relatable and that it addresses these problems through a story...Not only can art be used as a form of expression but also as a way to inform others about the different current issues faced in the world today."
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