Hoi Polloi
Hoi Polloi
Closed 2h 30m NYC: Midtown W
77% 11 reviews
(11 Ratings)
Members say
Delightful, Entertaining, Great singing, Fluffy, Clever

About the Show

Musicals Tonight debuts Noel Coward's lost musical about a sailor on leave and a London lass who are helped along by a very posh couple they keep running into.

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Critic Reviews (3)

November 4th, 2016

“At this vantage point, the tour of London plot seems trite and Coward’s characters are paper thin. Both the Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park sites now seem like the merest clichés to take a tourist to on their first day in London. The cast’s accents vary all over the place, and although ‘Harry Hornby’’s name suggests that several of the characters should speak Cockney and drop their haitches, there is not much evidence of that. Many of the unfamiliar songs are extremely prosaic.”
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Theater Pizzazz
November 3rd, 2016

"A warm, charming, often moving and thoroughly delightful evening, with a talented cast in a sweet-spirited production...The tiny Lion Theater stage and its loft are imaginatively put to use by the show’s director/choreographer, Mindy Cooper. The stage is also where the orchestra sits, in the form of a single piano, richly played throughout...The cast—acting, singing and dancing—is among the finest you’ll see on any stage...The score is a rich one, with two Coward classics."
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November 4th, 2016

"While some songs are pleasant though unmemorable, the musical also features iconic numbers...Act II is a bit overstuffed with songs, but entertaining...Director/Choreographer Mindy Cooper uses the theater well, aisles and balcony inclusive, creates attractive tableaus (clearly a signature), and affects a light, stylized (wink, wink) touch befitting the piece. Her characters could be more unique, but the show is not harmed."
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