H*tler's Tasters (Theatre Row)
Closed 1h 30m
H*tler's Tasters (Theatre Row)
(27 Ratings)
Members say
Thought-provoking, Entertaining, Great acting, Clever, Absorbing

An anachronistic dark comedy based on true events in history during the Third Reich.

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Critic Reviews (3)

Time Out New York
May 3rd, 2022

"4/5 Stars! Examining fanaticism through a cult of teenage girls is a clever conceit, and...the performers share a moving and believable rapport. Despite Sarah Norris' well-calibrated direction, the play is a tough tonal dance—not every laugh line lands, and the interstitial movement sequences start to feel like filler. But these minor missteps don't undermine the play's power, or its message: For the insecure and disenfranchised, it's easier to swallow dangerous lies than to face the ugly truth."
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Talkin' Broadway
May 4th, 2022

"Imagine what it must be like knowing that your next meal could be your last. And not in an 'eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die' sort of way. This is what life is like for the teenage girls depicted in 'H*tler's Tasters,' a darkly comic play by Michelle Kholos Brooks that opened last night at Theatre Row."
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May 4th, 2022

"The tale feels more chillingly relevant today than when it was first staged at the intimate IRT Theater in 2018. The present cultural and political climate is even more ripe and hopefully ready for this cautionary tale. The girls, Liesel (Hallie Griffin), Hilda (Mary Kathryn Kopp), Anna (Kaitlin Paige Longoria), and Margot (Hannah Sturges originated the roles in the IRT production and are back to reprise their roles beautifully under Sarah Norris’ skillful direction, again."
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