Half Moon Bay (Nylon)
Half Moon Bay (Nylon)
Closed 1h 30m NYC: West Village
63% 4 reviews
(4 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Disappointing, Entertaining, Confusing, Insipid

About the Show

Nylon Fusion Theatre Company presents the world premiere of a story about a Manhattan architect whose sudden addiction to a mysterious waitress sabotages his marriage and his career.

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Critic Reviews (4)

October 11th, 2015

"This drama leaves audiences actively thinking throughout the entire production about why we are driven to make the choices we do and what causes something to snap inside of us. Captivating and intriguing, 'Half Moon Bay' brings Ibsen’s 'The Master Builder' to the present day, challenging audiences to consider the value of lives built and nurtured, and if they are worth shaking up."
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Front Row Center
October 12th, 2015

"'Half Moon Bay' is quick and concise and makes its point with almost no hammering. It’s cleanly directed by Margarett Perry, and very well acted by the entire company...This play deserves future productions, and I’m confident it will find its way into the American repertory. It’s very much a story about commitment and temptation, ambition for the complex, ambition for the simple, and reaching for the moon, however you define that."
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Theater In The Now
October 9th, 2015

"Director Margarett Perry took Jiler’s fluid script and made it translate onto the stage...'Half Moon Bay' is quite an interesting text. There’s something enticing about having an emotional connection, whether good, bad, or indifferent. But there is a spark missing that can set this play apart."
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October 21st, 2015

"Jean Goto is excellent as Pam, the wronged wife, and the most physically free of all the characters....Ben Gougeon is stiff in his role as the obsessed lover and lacks clout where he needs it most — in every 'turning point' moment with Alicia. Director Margarett Perry keeps the play moving briskly in this minimalistic staging...John Jiler has written wonderfully poetic dialogue and several lines stay with you."
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