A double bill comprised of a short Latin-themed, Surrealist movement piece and a solo show about an actress who has to decide between her pregnancy and her career. Part of the 2018 Planet Connections Festivity.
'Girl Inside the Mirror' dives into the subconscious of a Latin-American character who emerges from a complex society and a post-traumatic event. It is through a mirror that she enters into a parallel world; the core of her most vulnerable side, where all her ghosts and shadows from the past remain. It is now and only now where she can face them.
'Pregnant Pause' is the story of Essie, a New York actress who has to decide between giving birth to a baby with a serious genetic disorder or starring in her first Broadway show. Although Essie has mixed feelings about being pregnant, she warms to the idea, until she learns the baby has a genetic disorder. Haunted by her past, Essie examines her life’s work, worth, and the future of her family.