FUKT NYC Reviews and Tickets

(22 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Clever, Great writing, Ambitious, Great acting

A uniquely uplifting personal story of traumatic memory, murder and private parts.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (22)

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1 Review | 2 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Clever, Great Acting, Great Writing

See it if You’re ready for a heavy but powerful experience about abuse and healing.Also ukeleles and zombies

Don't see it if Youre looking for a light show or are turned off by the trigger warnings,because they are SERIOUS

61 Reviews | 9 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Thought-Provoking

See it if You are up for inner struggles being dramatized and theatricalized

Don't see it if you only like conventional storylines and plotlines

1 Review | 1 Follower
Absorbing, Great Acting, Great Writing, Intelligent, The Topic Was Handled Well From All Perspectives.

See it if You know of or deal with children of deep abuse, middle American style.

Don't see it if Some technical difficulties. Otherwise an excellent show and timely topic.

88 Reviews | 26 Followers
Vivid Account Of Abuse & Healing ...

See it if you do not want to miss the trio of fine actresses who expertly bring to life this difficult story that needs & demands to be told.

Don't see it if a slow start might have you looking for an exit. Don't worry. The production quickly engages & will keep you absorbed until it's conclusion. Read more

1 Review | 2 Followers
Clever, Totally Engaging

See it if Totally engaging play with amazing character(s) played by very talented actors. A story that needs to be heard at this exact moment.

Don't see it if This may be a hard watch for some. However it unfolds in a safe manner that allows the audience to trust the process of the teller.

1 Review | 3 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Entertaining, Great Acting

See it if you like dark comedy that handles a challenging subject.

Don't see it if you can’t handle content focused on difficult subjects such as sexual assault.

1 Review | 2 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Entertaining, Inspiring, Powerful

See it if you are looking for a show that handles an important, challenging topic in a powerful way.

Don't see it if you can’t handle triggers such as sexual assault, incest, or violence.

1 Review | 2 Followers
Great Acting, Great Writing, Intense, Riveting, Thought-Provoking

See it if for a story of overcoming trauma, told with intensity but also humor. You will see and feel the positive results of talking about trauma.

Don't see it if the frank discussion of childhood sexual trauma may be too much for you.

Critic Reviews (2)

Front Row Center
November 3rd, 2022

"This cast deserves high praise for maintaining the challenging, complex characters and tensions while also charming and engaging viewers who could not resist being sympathetic and moved. Their performances were effective, stimulating, and inventive."
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November 4th, 2022

Dark comedy "FUKT" is a phenomenal production in which power comes from telling. "FUKT" powerfully mixes sportive comedy and forthright reckonings with cruelty and abuse and filters it all through self-aware play on the conventions of both solo shows and trauma narratives.
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