"Watching Greenspan perform this play, with his silent-screen expressiveness and full-body eloquence, is like watching a manic movie montage spliced together from bits of film, each brief segment making a kind of sense in its moment, independent of the whole."
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Greenspan…is, by turns, grand, coquettish, robotic, confiding, irritated, officious, and prayerful. He strikes melodramatic poses…he briefly assumes a mantle of piety; he bursts into giggles over the madness of it all. He often seems to be listening to the prompts of voices only he can hear. Indeed, you could say he has been possessed by Stein's restless spirit; this is a performance as antic, impish, and as impossible to parse as her charming and bewildering words.
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"David Greenspan raises the bar for actors. In fact, he is so good, I can affirm that I would watch him read Gertrude Stein."
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"Greenspan does the script in 90 minutes on a simple and quite beautiful Yuki Nakase Link set."
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Greenspan isn’t always totally clear when switching points of view, but made up for this by turning the entire, long script into a wonderland of gestures, vocalizations, postures and movements. His eyes and his hands are masterful communicators. His lean body’s dancelike movements add dimension to the onslaught of words. This is a performance that must be seen to appreciate how mindboggling his accomplishment is.
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"The theater is alive in a very special way at the Doxsee... With each gesture, one almost feels moved, blessed with the mystery of saints revealed in a complete, yet subtle way. The authentic practice of the art of speaking is revered."
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"David Greenspan’s performance is lyrical and lovely, humorous and intriguing… beautiful. He is magical."
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"Greenspan is inhabiting Stein's characters, transforming bare words into beautiful meanings, or at least, endless reachings for meaning."
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