English NYC Reviews and Tickets

(87 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Relevant, Intelligent

About the Show

A comedy set in an Iranian classroom where English learners navigate dreams and miscommunication.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (87)

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21 Reviews | 2 Followers
Clever, Exquisite, Great Acting, Resonant, Thought-Provoking

See it if You want a perfectly executed concept that probes something fundamentally human, with an excellent lead performance.

Don't see it if …everyone would benefit from seeing this play.

4 Reviews | 5 Followers
Confusing, Delightful, Enchanting, Entertaining

See it if I saw this at Barrington and it was so engrossing! I don't know much about this world and I had a wonderful time.

Don't see it if You don't like softer quieter shows. Or shows about foreign countries and people

11 Reviews | 0 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Delightful, Heartfelt, Surprising

See it if You want to learn about another country and see some fantastic acting.

Don't see it if You need something fast paced and hate long transitions.

16 Reviews | 1 Follower
Absorbing, Ambitious, Great Acting, Great Staging, Great Writing

See it if you appreciate contemporary plays that focus on the humanity of the characters

Don't see it if you are looking for a show that is action-oriented Read more

128 Reviews | 23 Followers
Lost Opportunity, Overrated

See it if you are interested in new plays by new voices not seen in theater before, even if the voices are yet undeveloped and flawed

Don't see it if you want a cohesive and well constructed play. The play is choppy and uses the premise used by a few other plays, but not as well. Read more

69 Reviews | 7 Followers
Great Acting, Relevant

See it if Good acting with a well written script

Don't see it if You are xenophobic or do not like off Broadway plays about Iranians

9 Reviews | 0 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Clever, Delightful, Enchanting

See it if The acting is amazing, you get to know incredible characters and their struggles with adapting to a different culture and language.

Don't see it if It's truly a must see.

4 Reviews | 0 Followers
Banal, Cliched, Dated

See it if You have interest in stories around linguistic colonialism and self-worth

Don't see it if You want nuance. Despite being set in Iran, this piece felt like it was written for an American audience. Spoonfeeding the obvious. Read more

Critic Reviews (14)

The New York Times
February 23rd, 2022

"Both contemplative and comic, it nails every opportunity for big laughs as its English-learning characters struggle with accents and idioms. But the laughter provides cover for the deeper idea that their struggle is not just linguistic...In dealing with characters who could easily be exoticized in their chadors, Toossi has chosen instead to focus on their familiarity; like most of us, they deal less with the disaster of geopolitics than with an atmosphere of mild if daily discomfort."
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New York Theatre Guide
February 23rd, 2022

"5/5 stars...That one play can accomplish as much with wit, ease, precision, and heart, as 'English' does in a swift 115 minutes, makes it among the best new plays of the season...Toossi approaches big, thorny questions with an expertly light touch, rooting her play’s intricacies in well-shaded characters. But take a slight step back and the full picture comes into view — a stunning meditation on what makes us human."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
February 22nd, 2022

"The play, like a language lesson, is therefore full of games; it requires humor (Lalezarzadeh nails this) and a sure step. But although Knud Adams’s production looks gorgeous — Marsha Ginsberg sets them inside a huge rotating classroom that responds to Reza Behjat’s lighting like a sculpture — its pace is too lugubrious for Toossi’s quickfoot dramaturgy."
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New Yorker
March 11th, 2022

"Toossi has found a fantastically effective way to depict the double self of the novice language learner: when her characters are 'speaking' Farsi, we hear quick, idiomatic American English, but, when they speak English itself, their voices slow down, and their accents grow thick. There’s an obvious political valence, which Toossi treats lightly but attentively, as when Marjan asks her students to 'feel any pull you have to your Iranian-ness and let it go.'"
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February 22nd, 2022

"Not everything is explicit, mysteries are allowed to linger, and the unsaid regularly hovers over the stage in moments of exquisite dramatic tension. 'English' feels like a breath of fresh air when so many new plays seem to follow a thesis with which the playwright delights in bludgeoning the audience. It's a remarkably mature off-Broadway debut for Toossi."
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Lighting & Sound America
March 2nd, 2022

English requires a bit of patience; Toossi is painstaking about casting her spell and she is not to be hurried. But it is well worth it; by the final fadeout, it's likely you'll feel intimately acquainted with these characters. And you'll have a better sense of what it's like to live in a world where cultures bump up against each other so uncomfortably. Sanaz Toossi is a real find.
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Talkin' Broadway
February 22nd, 2022

"Beautifully directed by Knud Adams with welcome touches of levity and cultural humor...Despite a handful of contrivances in Toossi's writing, as well as a couple of head-scratching eleven o'clock revelations, the cast is uniformly superb, with rich portraits of complex characters created by everyone on stage. Adams' adroit direction gets out of the way of his talented actors, providing a showcase for their exceptional gifts."
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New York Stage Review
February 22nd, 2022

"4/5 stars...Toossi is not interested in heavy dramatics—and director Knud Adams serves her well in that aspiration. Through the many scenes she’s written as the six-week course advances, nothing of explosive import occurs...'English' is especially pertinent when increasingly so many of us aren’t speaking the same language, such as, for one prominent contemporary example, the language of truth in contention with the language of lies."
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