Comes a Faery
Comes a Faery
Closed 1h 20m NYC: West Village
47% 3 reviews
(3 Ratings)
Members say
Slow, Excruciating, Must miss, Resonant, Cliched

About the Show

Nylon Fusion Theatre presents a story of a little girl who is living with her aunt while her mother is serving in the Army, and her imaginary friend, a cantankerous Irish fairy.

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Critic Reviews (3)

Theater In The Now
October 12th, 2015

"The overall vision brought forth by director Shaun Peknic could have been a little tighter. Peknic’s approach was very cinematic. The way he guided his company was quite small and intimate. There was honesty in this approach but did not translate on the stage...There is accessibility in the themes. But there seems that there is more to explore in these characters."
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NY Theater Now
October 10th, 2015

"Mr. McLindon’s writing is top-notch, examining all sides of our lives, the places we live, the things we read and the truths we choose to believe. For a solid two hours, Mr. Peknic’s direction brings the characters to the brink so many times without becoming maudlin or lucky-charmish."
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October 7th, 2015

"It is obvious Seaneen’s intentions are not honorable even though his endgame is not immediately clear. And when he does spell it out, at the finale, he actually makes it a little too explicit...Director Shaun Peknic pushes Siobhan and Seaneen to aerobic exhaustion. Between their exuberance and the demands of their dangerous pas de deux, they are a hard act to follow. Unfortunately, the others in the household, Katie and Rafael, lack agency and don’t hold our interest."
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