"Billed as an immersive pop-musical experience, the show is less a full-fledged tuner than a glorified club concert...Inebriated audiences are invited to party like it's Nineteen-Ninety-Nile as quiptastic 'RuPaul's Drag Race' favorite Dusty Ray Bottoms emcees sexy interactive games, Nya belts like Beyoncé, and a sweaty multicultural chorus performs JT Horenstein's athletic moves...As dance-laugh-and-drink-the-night-away theatrical attractions go, 'Cleopatra' is campy fun."
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“’Cleopatra’ is equal parts drag show, pop concert, and Broadway musical, and, though it has some rough edges, it is surely a good time...Overall, Horenstein nails the punchy format of a pop concert but neglects to create more intimate theatrical moments of tension and passion between the play’s lead roles...’Cleopatra’ is a good time that should get even better as logistical kinks are ironed out, and perhaps some dramatic scenes are more fully realized.”
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