Trapped in his own mind, Ralph envisions a haunting new tale where survival and chaos collide.
As the fire rages and his fate is sealed, Ralph retreats into his mind, where a new story unfolds. Can You Hear the Pigeons is a bold reimagining of Lord of the Flies, written and directed by Emmy Award-winning writer William Electric Black (Ian Ellis James). In this gripping psychological journey, Ralph—now Ralphie—finds himself on another island, lost in a chaotic world of displaced teenagers seeking refuge from war.
Stranded in the 13th Circle, Ralphie and his fellow survivors—Lorde, Jackson, Faye, Frances, Taylor, Gray Ford, and Frankie—cling to Lord of the Flies itself, studying its lessons while waiting for the so-called leaders to rescue them. But as in the original tale, civilization and savagery collide, rules vanish, and death looms ever closer.
Set in a daring, immersive stage environment where the audience sits within the action, Can You Hear the Pigeons transforms a classic narrative into a haunting exploration of survival, fear, and the fragile boundaries between order and chaos.