Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Closed 2h 30m NYC: Midtown W
86% 10 reviews
(10 Ratings)
Members say
Delightful, Entertaining, Great singing, Dated, Funny

About the Show

Musicals Tonight! presents this 1962 musical based on the 1953 Doris Day film celebrating the life of a frontierswoman and professional scout who was also a pal of Wild Bill Hickok.

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Critic Reviews (4)

March 20th, 2018

"The choreography by Vogel is far more elaborate than in most productions of this scale...The songs remain breathtaking--and beautifully delivered...Not every number is a hit, but the vast majority of songs are clever and entertaining...Harmonies are particularly strong in the all-male or all-female numbers, thanks to strong musical direction and vocal arrangements by Lozano...A worthy musical skillfully rendered by a talented, cohesive cast clearly having a ball."
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March 18th, 2018

"It would be a pleasure to say that Musicals Tonight! is going out on a high but that would not be accurate. While the book by Hanmer and Park based on the play by Freeman is very old-fashioned and the original score by Fain and Webster is quite derivative, the real problem is with the production staged by Devin Vogel making his Off Broadway directing debut. While the Wild West material suggests color and ambiance, 'Calamity Jane' is devoid of those things."
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Stage Buddy
March 19th, 2018

"The stage musical takes liberties with real history and is formulaic...In a typical old-fashioned ending, 'Calamity Jane' ends with not one but three weddings. The dialogue is hokey but one must recall the time period in which it was written. Some of the songs are lovely while others are quite clever...The production is ambitious, especially the dance numbers...Costumes are simple, as is the staging. The play and the cast get stronger in Act 2."
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March 18th, 2018

"Wetherington makes a terrific Calamity. She’s expressive, sings extremely well, and embraces just the right proud, pugnacious, rough-and-tumble demeanor...Vogel does better with groups than solos. Ensemble numbers are lively and well executed. Lozano offers appealing arrangements and some spiffy harmony. Costumes and wigs are unflattering and predominantly wrong for period."
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