“An interactive golden-age detective movie is created on stage with Fleysher’s alter-ego Kapinski leaning heavily on the audience for laughs...We’re invited to notice how we take these archetypes, particularly gender ones, for granted...We never quite get the satisfying noir narrative that the show promises...But this remains a playful and atmospheric fringe curio, a light-touch role-play for anyone who likes their dicks private and their femmes fatales.”
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“A tour de force of character comedy and clowning...Fleysher assembles her characters from everyone in the room, casting minor and major parts as she goes, with an intuition for involving the keen over the embarrassed...When the twist ending comes it’s an obvious but somehow unexpected one, and the most deserving finale we can imagine for such a masterfully immersive and hard-working character piece.”
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“This gonzo, immersive theatre experience finds Fleysher playing a 1930s hard-boiled detective creature, characterized by an amusing speech impediment and an adjustable lamp extending out of his back...The non-stop laughs come from Fleysher’s bug-eyed intensity, her fearless anything-goes and from the nervous uncertainty of what audience indignity might be coming next. If you want to be in a show rather than just at a show, Butt Kapinski’s got your number.”
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“’Butt Kapinski’ is not just a show...It could very well be the name of a new type of theatre/comedy style. It is improvisational theatre with a difference...This is very funny, adult comedy and Fleysher shows off her superb clowning skills magnificently, never stopping physically or verbally. Her people skills are great as well: she...has the required knack of leading us to just how she wants us...If you love ‘film noir’ and a hilarious fun time out...get your Butt into gear and see Kapinski.”
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“An interactive comedy show about a detective...It should be emphasized just how strong a performer Fleyscher is...One of the finest physical comedians...’Butt Kapinski’ is a technical marvel, endlessly imaginative and one of the most inventive and interesting experiences at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe...The shows is made up almost entirely of these improvised moments and they vary greatly in quality depending on the confidence and clarity of the audience member approached.”
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"The show is a bonkers chiaroscuro hall of mirrors where the audience explores the existential grey area between good and evil...All entertainment factors aside, it’s one of many ways that the thematic interests and tensions of noir become a genuine part of the show’s texture...It’s outrageously funny, and a gorgeous grab bag of noir tropes and characters...A fascinating show. I’m deeply impressed with how Flysher manipulates, encourages and orchestrates us."
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“This is immersive theatre at its best, where the show's success very much depends on the whims of its audience, who at any point could derail the whole plot. But Fleysher's true strength lies in her ability to manipulate any scenario to its rightful conclusion, even if facts get muddled along the way. A fully realized character and a ludicrous and occasionally racy storyline make this an excellent piece of theatrical comedy.”
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"A choose-your-own-adventure murder mystery as Kapniski and the audience, together, create a ‘film noir’. Part-comedy, part social experiment, the work is an amalgamation of of clown, bouffon, improv comedy and immersive/interactive theatre at its best...The performance is fresh, dynamic, and highly entertaining...This show is bold, clever and very funny. No matter where you stand on immersive theatre, this show is for you."
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