"Most effective when it allows the characters to interact honestly and without literary pretenses. The setup is intriguing, and the ideas are worthy. Unfortunately, there are a few too many writerly excesses that undermine character development and narrative believability...There are also moments in which the dialogue is a little too overwrought and overwritten. Lyrical allusions to out-of-body experiences, extraterrestrials, and heartbeats are at odds with the plain spoken characters."
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"Persistent psychological drama...The best thing about Johnson's script is its imaginative landscape...So much happens over the 90 minutes. The surprises serve the characters and propel the action...Warr's gone a step above bare-bones actor's theater, to create an artistic landscape...Great movement sequences build toward the brilliantly-staged dramatic ending that rivals any theatrical feat reached in larger scale productions."
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"Fully committed performances...The vacillating and sometimes heavy-handed script is laden with symbols and metaphors. And it is too often weighed down by...frequent passages of unnecessary reiteration, which only serves to slow the pace of the narrative. But director Joshua Warr successfully builds the inherent tension between the two characters...Perhaps the most important lesson of 'Brilliant Traces' is that there is someone for everyone."
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