Bad Kid (2015)
Closed 1h 30m
Bad Kid (2015)

Bad Kid (2015) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(2 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Slow, Entertaining, Great acting, Dated

About the Show

A 2012 New York Times Critics Pick, this solo show is about a Goth boy in Texas in 1991, who dreams of being in London, standing alone in the rain, wearing fishnet gloves and a cape.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (2)

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1 Review | 0 Followers
Cliched, Dated, Entertaining, Funny

See it if Wss a good show

Don't see it if You dont like kids

3 Reviews | 0 Followers
Funny, Great Acting, Slow

See it if it's a fun show to watch with family

Don't see it if It's too sexually explicit

Critic Reviews (4)

The New York Times
February 21st, 2012
For a previous production

"What distinguishes 'Bad Kid' is not its plot or its theme but its vivid characters. By using precise accents and gestures that reveal far more than superficial attributes, Mr. Crabb evokes several memorable people in his life, who begin as stereotypes but don’t end there. His campy diva pal, Roxanne, steals the show, but the equally complex skinhead Zach also resists pigeonholing."
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February 20th, 2012
For a previous production

"The tales Crabb delivers are the absurd ones that you may still be laughing at uncontrollably while he’s gone on to something else. The comic gems come so fast and so consistently, that there’s hardly any downtime for an audience to digest them. Yet, this isn’t stand-up comedy; Crabb is looking for something deeper and for the most part, he achieves it, in spite of the sometimes tear-inducing hilarity. See 'Bad Kid.' You may see yourself or someone you know in him."
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February 18th, 2012
For a previous production

"An accomplished storyteller is not always the same as a well-trained actor or even a spot-on mimic. Performers who sit at a table and weave their tales mostly with their voices are part of a tradition of theatrical storytelling as rich as that of solo quick-change artists. Crabb might have been better off sticking to the first tradition, given the lack of modulation in some of his characters, especially the female ones. He and his co-writer and director, Josh Matthews, should consider rethinking the last 10 minutes or so of this 90-minute show for future productions."
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Arts Connection Org
April 4th, 2012
For a previous production

"The best thing abut 'Bad Kid' is that it’s extremely friggin' hilarious! Crabb acts in detail of all of the most foolish and embarrassing moments in his life. Whether its being tricked into experimenting his sexuality with a cucumber or being drugged with cocaine by his odd ball friends, I couldn’t help but laugh at all the absurdities of his adolescence. Another great thing about the 'Bad Kid', are the host of eclectic characters in David’s life and the impersonations he does of them."
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