"A first-rate new revival…This production festers with as much dark intensity as the blistering original...Headland's smartly crafted script gives each person her or his due. Similarly, Headland's brutally funny, wickedly heartbreaking dialogue helps define each character's personality with great skill. This production is unafraid to explore the darkness in 'Bachelorette'...While there are a few missed opportunities, overall Wolff and her cast deeply comprehend what Headland envisioned."
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“This revival of Leslye Headland’s 2010 comedy is as caustic and outrageous as
ever. While looking ahead to a wedding day is supposed to generate feelings of
excitement and bliss, this is often times not the case with
several different personalities in the same room. It can be a very stressful time
as emotions heighten and feelings get hurt, and ‘Bachelorette’ humorously
and dramatically represents this experience."
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"Young, single women trapped in the limbo between responsibility and hedonism. Headland’s gift is that she doesn’t push them into choosing a side, at least not before they’re ready. This comes to the surface beautifully in the revival, as director Hannah T. Wolff allows them to be as ugly as they want to be, without robbing them of their humanity...Wolff has the ability to amp the comedic scenes thanks to her ensemble’s naturalistic work, but it’s quieter moments where the play truly haunts."
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