Wild Goose Dreams
Closed 1h 45m
Wild Goose Dreams
(71 Ratings)
Members say
Great staging, Quirky, Ambitious, Clever, Thought-provoking

About the Show

Tony nominee Leigh Silverman directs this original play with music about two people from two cultures forced to choose between family and freedom.

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Critic Reviews (21)

The New York Times
November 14th, 2018

"The diverse and untethered world has been given remarkably coherent life by a design team...Ms. Jung, a writer of industrious imagination, has a poet’s gift for sustaining and interlinking motifs and metaphor. Still, the piling up of incidents and images and subplots has a congestive effect here, blurring our focus and blunting our emotional responses...Holding fast as the play’s still but agitated center, Mr. Kim and Ms. Krusiec bring a lovely, low-key air of bewilderment to the proceedings."
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Time Out New York
November 14th, 2018

“A tricky play, full of both richness and distraction. The core story of Nanhee and Minsung is artfully constructed...This beautiful center, though, is often obscured by the stagey ‘online’ and dream elements; the chorus and the penguin stuff feel extraneous and cutesy...Still director Leigh Silverman draws keen, vivid performances from Krusiec and Kim, and their interpersonal drama is quite moving in its combination of stunned sadness and gallows humor.”
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New York Magazine / Vulture
November 14th, 2018

“A tale of loneliness in a globalized, mediated, relentlessly ‘connected’ world...Jung’s play is in part about getting lost in technology, and it’s exciting to see the production create that effect physically and theatrically...A bulk of this human effort comes from the play’s chorus...Jung’s writing always has a light touch, even when things get heavy, and Silverman is doing sensitive work with the cast, especially Krusiec and Kim...Connection, Jung is arguing, is life, but connectivity can be fatal.”
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The Hollywood Reporter
November 14th, 2018

"A flavorful if wildly over cluttered portrait of star-crossed romance...The simple tale is quietly touching. Unfortunately, the playwright overwhelms her slight story with overelaborate theatrical gimmickry...There's not enough meat on the play's bones to withstand all the theatrical affectations; the characters and storyline become subsumed long before the evening's conclusion...Its quiet charms are too indecipherable amid the internet babble.”
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November 20th, 2018

“Jung’s maginatively told Internet Age romance...If the text and staging's complicated (and admirably realized) impersonation of 21st century communication sometimes overwhelms the emotional factor, it's an apt comment displaying the parallels between storybook fables of angels and woodcutters and technologically sophisticated fantasies, sometimes involving defectors and goose fathers.”
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Lighting & Sound America
November 15th, 2018

"Jung is a perceptive, talented writer with a fresh point of view and material that is both exotic and oddly universal. Now, if only she could learn to dial it down a bit...On balance, I'd say that 'Wild Goose Dreams' is worth seeing, for the many emotionally resonant passages, the acute lead performances, and the window into a world that the theatre rarely shows us. But in the urge to theatricalize everything about their story, its creators nearly destroy the delicate situation at its heart."
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New York Stage Review
November 14th, 2018

“Silverman directed the cast and the traffic with her usual expertise. The chorus members exhibit much vigor and verve...Kim and Krusiec imbue Minsung and Nanhee with the correct measure of uncertainty. The right measure of chemistry between them, however, is missing...The most exciting ‘Wild Goose Dreams’ element is Ramos’ set...Ramos’ environment promises more amusement that the more than occasionally tedious ‘Wild Goose Dreams’ delivers.”
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New York Stage Review
November 14th, 2018

“This new play centers on two lonely South Koreans and attempts to song-and-dance-ify the internet itself. The different pieces, each powerful on its own, yields a result that manages to be sometimes intriguing, occasionally heartbreaking, and not a little soporific...When ’Wild Goose Dreams’ is best is when it’s examining...the faults in a seemingly happily neon-lit culture...For the purposes of this story, the distractions of the internet are just a distraction.”
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