The World According to Micki Grant
The World According to Micki Grant

The World According to Micki Grant NYC Reviews and Tickets

(12 Ratings)
Members say
Great singing, Entertaining, Absorbing, Slow, Intelligent

About the Show

Micki Grant became the first Black woman to write the book, music, and lyrics of a Broadway musical.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (12)

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614 Reviews | 145 Followers
Concert, Not A Play, Entertaining, Very Good Singing

See it if you want to see a concert celebration of Micki Grant's career

Don't see it if you would be bored with a concert and want to see a play. Read more

634 Reviews | 286 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great Singing, Intelligent, Thought-Provoking

See it if Glad to learn abt lyricist,composer,writer &perf Micki Grant thru her iconic work,esp her pop B'way prod & her impact on the Black Theatre.

Don't see it if Several performers playing the same character may be, at times, confusing.

319 Reviews | 41 Followers
Absorbing, Enchanting, Great Singing, Intelligent, Refreshing

See it if Tuneful, clever songs, delivered expertly by 3 wonderful women and a tap dancing guy. We all should be more familiar with Grant

Don't see it if Basically a revue show that doesn't gather momentum in the middle.

475 Reviews | 90 Followers
Absorbing, Banal, Disappointing, Great Singing, Slow

See it if It's a labor of love production that never quite rises above the banal Excellent singers give their all to the slight but informative book

Don't see it if Despite the loving projections (esp family photos), the DIY quality of the piece hurts it Also, Grant's post-success life is short changed

178 Reviews | 24 Followers
Delightful, Entertaining, Great Singing, Refreshing, Thought-Provoking

See it if You like to learn about great song writers for musical theater, through her own poetic words and lyrics. Well done documentary.

Don't see it if You expect Broadway caliber entertainment; this is just sweet and entertaining.

777 Reviews | 427 Followers
Absorbing, Great Singing, Quirky, Slow, Thought-Provoking

See it if An interesting prospective of the legendary Micki Grant who helped to change the Broadway narrative and who was allowed to enter.

Don't see it if While historical in nature, the writing of this musical needs work regarding the greatness & vision of Nicki Grant.

419 Reviews | 42 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Intelligent, Relevant

See it if You want an entertaining evening illuminating the life of Micki Grant through song, dance, and projections.

Don't see it if You don't like biographical musicals. You don't like mulitple people playing the same chatacter.

1227 Reviews | 345 Followers
Delightful, Entertaining, Great Singing, Intelligent, Riveting

See it if you would enjoy a review of Micki Grant's life and work through her poetry and music with some tap dancing and many great projections.

Don't see it if you expect a full biography. While the four actors wore mics, the male's voice was always louder. No program or bios of the actors.

Critic Reviews (4)

Lighting & Sound America
June 7th, 2024

“A celebration that only hints at its title figure's accomplishments.”
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June 9th, 2024

"this compact revue is an enjoyable, informative and intimate love letter"
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Front Row Center
June 7th, 2024

"This show is for all generations of those who appreciate the work of Micki Grant"
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Off Off Online
June 7th, 2024

"… a diverting revue of songs, poems, and autobiographical prose"
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