"This swift 75-minute show feels rebellious not only in its choice of subject but also in its very structure, which is a playful, meta pastiche...the production inspires you to question it, examine it, see where the boundary is. That it’s so faint proves how bizarre this story is."
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"Brilliant, funny and subversive, 'The Patient Gloria' is an edgy satire of misogyny with a dash of punk rock thrown in."
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“The Patient Gloria” offers its own three approaches:
1. A dramatization of the film…
2. A funny, crude, loud fringe show…
3 A thought-provoking, meditation on, and personal memoir of, misogyny.
This pairing of the serious and the silly, the pointed and the profane might not work for everybody. But there is a moment near the end..that casually sneaks into view and then hits you like a hammer.
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“ 'The Patient Gloria' might be improved if Moxley played us more of the real tapes."
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