The Panic of '29
The Panic of '29
Closed 2h 0m NYC: Midtown E
57% 43 reviews
(43 Ratings)
Members say
Disappointing, Confusing, Funny, Excruciating, Quirky

A dark musical comedy about the end of the Roaring Twenties, and onset of the Great Depression.

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Critic Reviews (5)

August 3rd, 2022

" 'The Panic of '29' ain't no history lesson, though. It's a satire, an especially ludicrous one, that sometimes gets in the way of its own storytelling and goes off the rails as it races toward its unlikely conclusion."
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Lighting & Sound America
August 1st, 2022

When playwright Graham Techler falls in love with a joke, the attraction is forever. So devoted is he to his little whimsies that can never let them go; instead, he trots them out repeatedly, like a proud parent showing off his darlings. If you share his ardor -- admittedly, not a likely scenario -- The Panic of '29 will be a treat. If not, you'd better hunker down for a long, long evening.
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Talkin' Broadway
July 31st, 2022

"An atomic bomb goes off late in Graham Techler's The Panic of '29...but by then this bomb of a play with songs has already done its damage. Set at the time of the 1929 Wall Street crash and its aftermath, it's a bizarre farcical satire without a shred of wit, an ounce of creative inspiration, or a single hummable tune. "
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Front Row Center
July 31st, 2022

"Employing people and providing services is a noble cause, and hopefully, compassionate, trustworthy people will endeavor to provide livelihoods and opportunities for others and raise us all."
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Off Off Online
August 4th, 2022

"The first half-hour or so of 'The Panic of ’29' is rather delightful. And then it just goes no-damn-where."
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